Volkswagen Reveals Formula for Super Bowl Commercials

The Super Bowl, the most popular spectacle of American sports, eclipses all other programming for one Sunday night each year. Millions of football fans invite over friends, adhere to their superstitions, and watch attentively with few distractions. A tradition among advertisers emerged in response to this mass audience: top-notch commercials that evoke a strong emotion. Companies spare no expense in acquiring the few seconds during which they can tout their product, as well as receive recognition for being the “funniest” or “most powerful.”

Whether the money is allocated toward celebrity endorsements or state-of-the-art special effects, the purpose is to entice new consumers through creativity and positive publicity. Companies also risk spending millions of dollars for advertisements that fizzle, falling into television obscurity after a few weeks of ridicule on social media.

Leading up to this year’s Super Bowl XVLIII, Volkswagen created a commercial that comes across as so incredibly asinine that it is clearly a parody. From chalkboard equations to monkeys to Carmen Electra, this advertisement encapsulates virtually every approach taken over the years. Clearly, the point is to create a little buzz for Volkswagen through a few laughs – and hint at what may lie in wait for the day of the “big game.”

Here it is, in full, for you to view and enjoy:

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Volkswagen Reveals Formula for Super Bowl Commercials was last modified: January 1st, 2015 by Leith Volkswagen Cary


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